Wednesday, June 6, 2012

20 Hour Famine 2012

"Drop me off here", I told my mum as we pulled up to the school. I was ready to go HARD OUT FOR THE HUNGRY! I think?

Dragging my bag to the library I could hear shouts from the other kids already there. I shoved my bag to the side of room and got out my drink. Toreka then handed me a name tag for me to decorate. "Hey, I'm in team yellow!" I shouted as Gloria came closer. "Me too!" she replied. After this we watched a few short clips.

These clips were of the children we were helping from Mali and Niger. One movie was about a 12 year old girl named Donkii and the other about a 11 year old boy called Salissou. There were also other clips shown too. 

Donkii loves to pound millet but she worry's that they won't have enough millet to eat. She also helps prepare the food with her mother. Normally her family would harvest around 60 bags of millet but unfortunately the rain season did not come so now they only have 6 bags of millet. This may last them 2 or maybe 3 months. That's not enough though. 

Salissou loves his sister and will do anything for her. Before sunrise he goes out into the bush collecting locusts. The locusts eat the millet which leaves nothing for Salissou and his family. He also carries his sister, Rashida, 10 km every fortnight to the nearest health centre. There she is treated for malnutrition by World Vision staff. It is very hard for him and it takes him 2 and a half hours.

Between every clip Mrs Tele'a asked questions for team points. Finally after a while we went into the hall and started our activities.

To Be Continued...

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